"God created mankind
in His own image." Clearly,
God is not formless.

Krishna is a Sanskrit word w/c means all-attractive. One of God's names is KRISHNA because He is all-attractive. With no material body, spirit in essence, full of knowledge, with ever-blissful spiritual form; God is forever young, youthful, extremely beautiful and not controlled by time. Truly, God is Krishna, all attractive.

TrueLove has but one fear: 
losing the SupremeBeloved, 
who owns and controls everything 
and dearly love everyone.

The Supreme Soul that resides in everyone's heart
is the real utmost SOUL-MATE of everyone.
Love Him, the failure to do so will leave you 
innerly empty, deep within alone, forever searching.

What makes you happy 

will also make you sad.

So first and foremost, 

love theOne who is
transcendental to the
dualities of this world.

The Guru (Spiritual Master) is 
the external manifestation of 
the Supersoul or Paramatma, 
The HolyGhost or HolySpirit,
The Lord in everyone's heart.

Those who are attracted to beauty 
search for loveliness in deformity; 
while those attracted to horridness,
look for ugliness on things of delight.
`We are mold by what we see; and
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
Stay beautiful. God is most attractive.
Being God's children, inherently, 
Everyone is a thing of beauty, 
a SpiritSoul that last forever.

You are far from perfect; nonetheless,
you are loved by the One who is perfect.
"Be perfect," The One who truly loves you is perfect.

Whether you are good or bad and whether I am for you is good or bad is your concern not mine. I am worst, I'm not proud that I am; but despite of that, Someone who is good, loving and caring is uncondiotionally loving you and me. This (He) is my concern.

The physical body is just a "service vehicle" of the "eternal spirit soul", whose inherent nature (and in order to be truly happy) is to serve and be closer to "the real main object of his love": the Supreme Lord, the One and Only caring Master and loving Father of all.

I hate goodbyes& separation 
thus i thank God, "the link" 
that connects me forever 
(by prayers) to those I loved.

Love should not be blind; 
for its main objective: God, 
the Absolute Truth, 
is in our hearts. 

I but have to love one person 
to actually love everyone and everything: 
God, the Father of all, the SupremeBeing. 

TheSoul need not have to mortally die to go to heaven; 
For as long as the person is doing "the will of the Father", 
he is with God, he is in love, he is joyful, he is in heaven

Love God before it's too late!
I mean....if you can't love Him now,
how can you love Him in the end?
Nothing on earth can save you 
other than the eternal love of God.
The ultimate problem is death, 
The ultimate solution is God.
He is the love that 
keeps us alive.

God, the cause of all causes,
the cause and controller of time
is not controlled by time.

Truly worth knowing 
is the Absolute Truth 
in everyone's heart. 

Loving God is a
sweet surrender.
Who seeks God 
will find peace, joy,
freedom, wisdom, 

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