Salt of the Earth

Warriors are trained for battle,
the bold and the brave for war;
lights and luminaries are for darkness,
truth in the world of illusion and lies.
Life should live in the abode of the dead,
the godly in the home of the godless;
the illumined in the company of lost,
love, w/c is free, w/the prisoners of lust.

The Salt of the Earth is everything but stale;
Boats are not built to simply decorate the shore.
LoveGod LoveOthers is the way to light &truth.
Arise, it's not love if it is selfish, fearful or sleeping,

Haribol, Chant the Holy Names
Agosto 28, 2018 4:31 AM ·

The aim is to connect to disconnect,
to be in this world but not of this world;
to be understood not misunderstood,
to be both simple and complex, lean &broad;
to be caring and uncaring but not careless,
to be truthful, meek, gentle, and bold,
to do what is right not what i think is right,
to be an option, a lamp of the lost &accursed,
to be as low as the straw in the road;
to live simply, with mindset &heart
of those in spiritual heavenly world...
Agosto 24 nang 6:26 PM

Journalism is practically dead;
when, because of fear or greed,
it can't anymore perceive the fire
in the smoke that irritates its eyes.

"False ego" breeds lust, pride,
greed, insecurities, fear;
it makes a man a fool.

When enormous amount of pride
covers the heart and brain, a man's
ego becomes as fragile as "onion skin".

Like love, spirituality or
religiosity is not about
a life without pain, but of
having a life despite of
life's built-in pain."

The way that leads to life
is narrow"; while the path
that leads to death is wide.

Life's journey has
two destinations;
joy or pain
of life and death
in heaven or hell.

"Another man's poison
is another man's cure."
A heaven of a fool
is a wise man's hell.
Ignorance is not bliss.

Excess is bad if not dangerous,
Trash-talk, nonsense, rant, falsity
need not have to talk much
to have an excess of words.

The physical body
is but a lump of dead matter
without its life force: the spirit soul.

Ashes to ashes
dust to dust
soul to Soul...

Religion will not be able to divide us
if concern and compassion are present,
if our ways are accord with the truth and the light,
if the love in our hearts is not sleeping.

"If you point your finger on others,
three of your fingers are pointing at you."

In the end,
what counts is not where we are
but where we're heeding.

When living is easy, 
dying is hard.

I don't have a soul that
according to a "chain-letter sender"
if I don't comply will go to hell.
What I have is a mortal body that
they can toast till eternity (for all I care)
when I leave it behind and it dies.

@times darkness came into being
to reveal those that has the light.

North &South Pole, theWorld is
positively &negatively charged.
We need balance to truly
live and survive.

Present is the promise of yesterday's sunset
that manifest as sunrise of today's dawn.

The world and the whole material universe is dense darkness. Stars and other luminaries shine brighter in the dark. They are living beings that shine when time is tough or dark. Everyone is capable of being a luminary or a star.

The seemingly harmless phrase; "Jesus is not a Christian" is an insinuation that Jesus, the Son of God, doesn't practice what he preach. "Love God", the heart and soul of Christ's life and teaching is inseparable from him. A Christian is a person that practice or teaches Christianity. A teacher by example, Jesus Christ is the first Christian.

The masses, because of its magnitude, variety and diversity, is both simple and complex; thus its voice must range from high to low, vast and small, big and thin, simple and complex.

No one is perfect, and power corrupts. Politicians that are imperfect therefore corruptible and cannot be trusted thrive on trust. A country's demise starts when people fully trust them.

No one is perfect, and power corrupts. Politicians that are imperfect therefore corruptible and cannot be trusted thrive on trust. A country's demise starts when people fully trust them.

This darkness but reminds me
of my utmost needfor light.

By its fruit a tree is revealed, and
so is a man by his words and deeds.

Poor and unfortunate are the souls
whose only possesion in this world
is the material wealth that they
can never take when they left
their temporary bodies.

Everyone serves someone or something,
thus the only freedom we have
is to choose who or what to serve.

Formal initiation,
because there are
disciples who are
informally initiated.

Formal initiation is
not the primary goal,
real spiritual initiation is.

As "the proof of the pudding is in the eating", 
Faith should not be a belief to debate on 
but a sweet truth to share with.

Haribol &Prasada b'cuz 
Bhakti-Seed doesn't grow 
on unclean and infertile ground.

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