Arlen's Apothegm 2018

When out of time,
out of space, and
out of context;
Right is wrong.

Prasada (food offered to God)
is the food of SpiritSoul.

I entrusted my faith
to no one other than God.

Like sweet sadness,
as in giving &sacrifice,
love's pain is joyful

Bliss is not in the place
where we wanted to be
nor in the things that we
want to possess or have;
It's in the heart, which is
when full & deep is tranquil.

We cannot be gentle
and devoid of anger
when we are at war. 

To win against evil, 
we need a leader 

with a pure heart.

Love is not love
w/o sacrifice.
I LoveYou Ekadasi.

Everyone deserves respect,
COA deserves commendation. 

"The truth shall set us free";
But freedom, w/o love
w/o God, is sad and empty.

I am here, there, and everywhere;
when I'm on facebook.
When I chant the HolyNames,
I am with God.

Words are colors;
Phrases are lines.
Song, an artwork that I paint
when I sing and close my eyes.

"The seek for truth is inherent,
it's not something taught to us."

"The Kingdom of God is at hand."
It is dormantly resting in everyone's heart...

Plant the seed of Bhakti
in this world, in order to
have a joyful life tasting
&sharing the sweet nectar
of its fruit.

Time is gold; thus
Nothing is free, other than
the choice of who is to serve.
Without surrender,

We cannot grasp the meaning of the words
that we listen to but cannot hear.

heartfelt, honest, candid,
genuine, truthful, earnest,
serious, authentic: SINCERE.

Darkness but makes
light shines brighter.

Why simply live to die
and enjoy flickering happiness
when you can truly live &
be happy forever?

Real happiness is from within,
It has nothing to do with restless mind
and uncontrolled senses.

Those that truly shine
are not afraid of darkness
nor baffled by the light.

Sowing lies and
hatred truly destroy
no one other than
the sower himself.

Don't use insult, unless 
you want to enhance chaos 
and its dark veil of strife.

Who relies solely
on knowledge
doesn't understand
trust and faith..

TheWay is perfect,
its wayfarers are not;
but they are not lost.

1,111 friends on Facebook,
Indeed, everyone's no. is one;
And in the eyes of TheOne,
We are all number One. 1-9-18

Who destroy the opposition ultimately
destroys the system that it oppose.

That which is fatal
but can't kill you
will either make you
wise or strong...

"Sacrifice, forfeiture of something highly valued for the sake of one considered to have a greater value or claim." The aim of "tapasya" (sacrifice) is to win. I LOVE YOU 💝EKADASI (fasting at the 11th. day after newMoon &fullMoon)

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