The Secret of Love

The secret of love is simple:
Haribol, chant the Holy Name.

Love is the only feeling
that is allowed in heaven.

Heaven is a place exclusively
only for those who love God. 

Music, the highest form of art, 
should be a tool for the highest goal of life, 
which are freedom, love, truth, God.
 Fearlessness is the absence of fear;
Courage is the valor in the presence of fear;
Other than God, no one is fearless,
because no one is without fear.
We can be courageous but never fearless.
But nevertheless fearlessness is real,
because God is without fear.

As a friend posted this morning:
"Are you really happy or just comfortable?"
We oftentimes mistook comfort for happiness.
Similarly, there's no question that God loves us,
the real question is whether we truly love God.
As love is not about comfort but of sacrifice 

&real happiness.

I refuse to be attracted to wealth
in fear of losing what I dear most:
Vrndavan, God's Kingdom, the place
where the rich can't easily achieve.
Wealth, power, fame, security, comfort,
mean nothing without God, w/o love.

Satisfied but not satisfied,
always hankering for more;
always anxious to serve the Beloved
The more it gives, the more it takes;
Its joy is multiplied when given.
This' the status of the spirit soul
in the realm of spiritual bliss.

Love is the only way
to God's heart and 
His Kingdom.

Love is unconditional.
Anyone who loves conditionally 
is not in love.

Service is enjoyable
when driven by love.

Like love, 
SpiritSoul is blind; 
It sees no color, race, 
social status, religion.

Love is based on wisdom,
in the light, not in darkness.

No one wins a heart
by way of force and hate.
Gently, love conquers all.

As truth w/o love is incomplete,
Truth completes love.

Truth is the light of love,
w/c is but a passing sentiment
when ignorant and blind.

theWord of God,  
like God, is love.
Spirit's soul is love.

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